Badlands Trip - 2010

August 5, 2010: Thursday - First things first. Happy Birthday, Janet! We arrived back in Indianapolis about 2 a.m. on the 5th, just in time to all sing Happy Birthday to her while standing in the middle of Lancet Lane.

We had just gotten back from a late night flight from Denver where we had wrapped up a great western adventure with good friends Don and Julie. We had been in the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Badlands of both South and North Dakota and had a terrific time. This is a part of our country that is not particularly easy to get to from the Midwest. We flew to Denver and rented a car, stopped for groceries and supplies and headed north for about a 5 hour drive to the center of the Black Hills -- Hill City, SD. We stayed for 4 nights at a Bed & Breakfast in that area and still just scratched the surface of things to see and do. On our first full day we drove from south to north (very important) to see Mt. Rushmore via the Needles highway. We drove though several tunnels that had been constructed to frame Mt. Rushmore. Second day was set aside to visit Badlands National Park, which was a little drive to the east and the wind was simply howling. Third day, we saw our first bison at Wind Cave National Park (what a surprise!) and also spent time in Custer State Park and the Sylvan Lake area.

July 25th: Photos 1
July 25th: Photos 2 - Don
July 26th: Photos 3
July 26th: Photos 4
July 26th: Photos 5
July 26th: Photos 6 - Don
July 26th: Photos 7 - Don
July 26th: Photos 8 - Don
July 26th: Photos 9
July 27th: Photos 10
July 27th: Photos 11
July 27th: Photos 12
July 27th: Photos 13 - Don
July 27th: Photos 14 - Don
July 27th: Photos 15 - Don
July 27th: Photos 16
July 28th: Photos 17
July 28th: Photos 18
July 28th: Photos 19
July 28th: Photos 20 - Don
July 28th: Photos 21 - Don
July 28th: Photos 22 - Don
July 28th: Photos 23 - Don

Then it was time to say good-bye to the Black Hills area and head north towards Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. We drove through Deadwood (a nice surprise), Spurgis (we were there two weeks before the big 70th anniversary bike rally) and Spearfish Canyon in the morning. We stopped for lunch at the Geographic Center of the Nation in Bell Fourche and continued due north on S.R. 85. A highlight (maybe only light) of the drive was a general store called Crow Buttes (for sale). Other than that it was wide open space for miles and miles. We stayed in Medora for two nights in order to spend time at both the south and north ends of Theodore Roosevelt National Park along the Little Missouri River. We figured at the furthest north point we were about 75 miles from the Canadian border. Medora and T.R.N.P. were nice surprises. We dined at the Cowboy Cafe for a few meals and toured the park which wasn't crowded at all, especially the north part.

July 29th: Photos 24
July 29th: Photos 25
July 29th: Photos 26 - Don
July 29th: Photos 27 - Don
July 30th: Photos 28
July 30th: Photos 29
July 30th: Photos 30
July 30th: Photos 31
July 30th: Photos 32 - Don
July 30th: Photos 33 - Don
July 30th: Photos 34 - Don
July 30th: Photos 35 - Don
July 30th: Photos 36 - Don
July 30th: Photos 37 - Don

From Medora we back-tracked down S.R. 85 and hung a right at Bell Fourche to enter Wyoming. Devils Tower National Monument is actually just due west of the Black Hills of South Dakota and is truly a magical (sacred place for the Indian nations) experience. We made it in time to catch a sunset at the tower, which personally made my whole trip. The next day we spent the morning at the tower watching all the climbers and taking in the wonder of the place.

July 31st: Photos 38
July 31st: Photos 39
July 31st: Photos 40
July 31st: Photos 41 - Don
July 31st: Photos 42 - Don
July 31st: Photos 43 - Don
July 31st: Photos 44 - Don
August 1st: Photos 45
August 1st: Photos 46
August 1st: Photos 47
August 1st: Photos 48
August 1st: Photos 49 - Don
August 1st: Photos 50 - Don
August 1st: Photos 51 - Don
August 1st: Photos 52 - Don
August 1st: Photos 53 - Don
August 2st: Photos 54
August 2st: Photos 55
August 2st: Photos 56 - Don

We ended our western trek back in Colorado. We had a day and a half to enjoy Rocky Mountain National Park. Mountains, alpine meadows, wooded lakes and waterfalls. What more could you ask for?

August 3st: Photos 57
August 3st: Photos 58
August 3st: Photos 59
August 3st: Photos 60
August 3st: Photos 61 - Don
August 3st: Photos 62 - Don
August 3st: Photos 63 - Don
August 3st: Photos 64 - Don
August 3st: Photos 65 - Don
August 3st: Photos 66 - Don
August 3st: Photos 67 - Don
August 4st: Photos 68
August 4st: Photos 69
August 4st: Photos 70
August 4st: Photos 71
August 4st: Photos 72
August 4st: Photos 73 - Don
August 4st: Photos 74 - Don
August 4st: Photos 75 - Don
August 4st: Photos 76 - Don
August 4st: Photos 77 - Don
August 4st: Photos 78 - Don

