AUGUST 2017 TRIP TO THE SIERRAS: We traveled with good friends Don and Julie from August 5th (Janet's Birthday) thru August 16th, visiting several of our great National Parks including Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon in California. We were most fortunate to be able to visit Yosemite Valley between bouts of forest fires as the smoke tended to settle in the valley and greatly obscure the magnificent views. But the threat of fires haven't stopped people from pouring into the parks. I'm pretty confident that attendance records are being shattered.
Day 2: Canon Photos
Day 2: GoPro Photos
Day 2: iPhone Photos
Day 2: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 2: Yosemite Valley video 8:23 min.
Day 3: Canon Photos
Day 3: GoPro Photos
Day 3: iPhone Photos
Day 3: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 3: Yosemite Valley video 8:08 min.
Day 4: Canon Photos
Day 4: GoPro Photos
Day 4: iPhone Photos
Day 4: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 5: Canon Photos
Day 5: GoPro Photos
Day 5: iPhone Photos
Day 5: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 5: Bodie State Historical Park video 21:25 min.
Day 6: Canon Photos
Day 6: iPhone Photos
Day 6: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 7: Canon Photos
Day 7: GoPro Photos
Day 7: iPhone Photos
Day 7: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 7: Sequoia National Park video 7:59 min.
Day 7: Tarantula video 2:18 min.
Day 8: Canon Photos
Day 8: GoPro Photos
Day 8: iPhone Photos
Day 9: Canon Photos
Day 9: GoPro Photos
Day 9: iPhone Photos
Day 9: Janet's iPhone Photos
Day 9: Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad 6:27 min.
Day 10: Canon Photos
Day 10: GoPro Photos
Day 10: iPhone Photos
Day 10: Janet's iPhone Photos
On our travels back to San Fransisco, Janet recommended that we stop in Woodside, California to see the Filoli Estate and Gardens. What a pleasant surprise! A true gem and well worth the visit.
Day 11: Canon Photos
Day 11: GoPro Photos
Day 11: iPhone Photos
Day 11: Janet's iPhone Photos