August 16th to September 5th 2014: Janet and I traveled to England so that she could attend a special Embroidery Class in Bath as well as celebrate a 40th Anniversary of being in London on Polyark during college. It was very special that Don and Julie could be with us for the London leg of our trip. We enjoyed visiting many of our old haunts together as well as experienced many of the new things and ways the city has changed. We all got our Oyster cards first thing, which has an embedded chip in it so you can just touch and go the entry and exit gate pads, which greatly simplified getting around by using all the different forms of mass transit this city enjoys. But we also did a lot of just walking around.
Janet and I left our friends in London and then took a train to Oxford for a few days where we could really immerse ourselves in all the history of that city. Janet wanted to see the special exhibit of embroideries at the Ashmolean Museum which is England's oldest. But probably one of our most pleasant and amazing surprises were the combined museums of Natural History and Pitts River. They were simply beyond words great! Of course we visited a few of the Colleges that were open to the public and generally just tried to soak up all the great history and architecture that city has to offer.
Bath, England and surrounds
8/17/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/17/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/18/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/18/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/19/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/19/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/20/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/20/2014 Photos (iPhone)
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8/21/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/22/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/22/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/23/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/23/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/24/2014 Photos (iPhone)
Here's a snippet film of a few things we saw in Bath:
Bath, England 8:06 min.
London, England and surrounds
8/24/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/24/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/24/2014 Don's Photos
8/25/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/25/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/25/2014 Don's Photos
8/26/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/26/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/26/2014 Don's Photos
8/27/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/27/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/27/2014 Don's Photos
8/28/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/28/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/28/2014 Don's Photos
8/29/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/29/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/29/2014 Don's Photos
8/30/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/30/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/30/2014 Don's Photos
8/31/2014 Photos (iPhone)
8/31/2014 Don's Photos
9/1/2014 Don's Photos
The day we chose to visit St Paul's it rained. But that didn't stop us from climbing 500+ steps to reach the Golden Gallery. No pics allowed inside the Cathedral, but I snuck a short video anyway of part of the thought provoking "Earth-Wind-Fire-Water":
St. Paul's Cathedral - London, England 6:41 min.
Next, we walked to the Tate Modern. And of course, it was still raining...
Umbrellas - London, England 4:21 min.
Here's a short film of my Portobello Road market experience:
Portobello Road - London, England 6:24 min.
Taking a ride on bus 88 and seeing the sites:
Bus 88 ride - London, England 6:27 min.
Oxford, England
8/31/2014 Photos (Canon)
8/31/2014 Photos (iPhone)
9/1/2014 Photos (Canon)
9/1/2014 Photos (iPhone)
9/2/2014 Photos (Canon)
9/2/2014 Photos (iPhone)
9/3/2014 Photos (Canon)
9/3/2014 Photos (iPhone)
9/4/2014 Photos (Canon)
9/4/2014 Photos (iPhone)
Here is a short video of the observation beehive that I discovered at the Natural History Museum -- a must see -- if you're ever in Oxford.
Observation Beehive - Oxford, England 5:19 min.
Before leaving for the States, we had one last Pub meal at the Greenman. It was located fairly close to the end of one of the Heathrow runways as you'll see.
All-Day Breakfast Take-Off - London, England 3:50 min.