March 27, 2005 - I had the opportunity to spend a part of Easter with a few of my past relations. On our way to the mountains of North Carolina, we stopped for a brief visit at Riverside Cemetary in Falmouth, KY to see the grave markers of my four Great Grandparents on my Father's side of the family. When you enter the cemetary, you go straight back towards the river to what I believe to be the oldest section of the cemetary. You can't miss the two rather prominent markers facing each other. The Rosenstiel's came from Gundersleben Schwarzburg Sondershausen, Germany. I also recalled visiting Aunt Minnie with my parents when I was very young and enjoying a wonderful fried chicken dinner at the Rosenstiel-Walther's house. This is the first house you see in the photos where my Grandmother Idena Rosentiel was raised.