Family Posts + San Francisco (Day 6) 2001

JANE'S APARTMENT: Jane got a new place to live up at school and she was pretty excited about it. Janet helped her move it and took a few pictures to share.

AUGUST 18TH VISIT OF AUNT PHIDDY AND UNCLE JEFF: Aunt Phiddy and Uncle Jeff came up from Florida to visit Lorri, Tim, Melissa and Tory. We were able to visit with them on Sunday afternoon along with the rest of our family. These family get togethers are always special.

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GEORGE BAILEY PRODUCE MODEL: I wanted to add a few pictures of a Fine Scale Miniatures model that I finished this past spring. I do this for enjoyment and therapy sometimes and I particularly enjoyed making this model, because it was a real challenge. I hate to think how many hours, but that's half the fun, because I don't care how long it took. Anyway, here it tis. I ordered the next in the series of this type model and put in a picture of the George Bailey (JS-2) to show FSM. George wrote back a nice note, that I've scanned in. Thanks for the words of encourgement.

George Bailey Produce

N-SCALE MODELS: In this picture link you will find many of the N-scale (about half the size of HO) models that I've scratch built of structures many of you (those being family and friends) will recognize. The Powers Church, Eastburn Barn, Mystic structures to name a few. Many of these have been constructed from field surveys and photographs of the original. Rudimentary plans and elevations were first drawn up in many instances. Again, these have been done purely for self-enjoyment. I would say they represent efforts made over the last five years.

N-Scale Models

TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO: Monday, July 30th, was our last full day in San Francisco before heading back to Indy. Charles and Carrie went to work, while Janet and I drove up to Muir Woods which is just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. There's a saying in Indiana that if you don't like the weather just wait a half hour and it will change. Well in San Francisco, all you have to do is drive ten miles and it will change. It was raining on our drive up Highway 1, the rain had stopped by the time we got to the Golden Gate Bridge, but you could barely see the bridge through all the fog. Charles had recommended going to Muir Woods on Monday as opposed to the weekend because the crowds would be much less. He was right. And the sun came out. One of my goals on this trip was to see a large redwood tree and Muir Woods did not disappoint. They had a "Cathedral Walk" along a creek that was spectacular.

We got back on Highway 1 and arrived at Stinson Beach, cloudy again, just in time for a picnic lunch on the beach, that we shared with the gulls.

We decided to drive on to Point Reyes and I wanted to see the lighthouse. What a drive! I felt like we were driving on the moon. There were historic 1859 cattle ranches along the way starting with the letter "M" thru "A." These were all operating ranches. We finally arrived at the parking area for the lighthouse and had to walk a half mile to the lighthouse. The sun was out again, but you could see where the fog was down the coast. You have to go down 300 steps to where the lighhouse actually is. It was an amazing site. We spotted a whale swimming by. The lighthouse was open for a tour and lecture by one of the park rangers.

Charles and Carrie are starting to get ready for their move to the city. They can hardly wait. They should get the key on Wednesday.

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