Hawaii 2008

Hawaii Trip 2008: We took a break from a cold winter in Indiana to vacation in Kauai along with our friends Arthur and Sharon. Thought we'd never get out of Indy, because of the weather and we almost didn't. Our first flight was a 6 am. The plane was de-iced and couldn't get to the end of the runway before the time window. Had to taxi back and get de-iced again. We made it the second time, but ended up one and 1/2 hours late. Arthur ran through the terminal in Houston in order to stick his foot in the door of the jetway. Those bastards were trying to sell our seats. But we all got on just in time. Not fun. That was it for travel adventure this time. In Hawaii, the weather was pretty much ideal even though this time of year is considered the "rainy season". We loved watching the weather forecasts: Lows of the high 60's at night -- Highs of the high 70's during the day, Sunny to Partly Cloudy every day. I think I may have heard some rain one night, but that was about it. What a place. Unfortunately, Janet caught a cold and missed out on a couple of days activities. She had to hang out by the pool, poor kid. No rainbows this trip, but we got to see plenty of whales, sea turtles and monk seals. The whales were really amazing to see in action. On Wednesday, we scheduled a helicopter tour of the island. Joe and Char from southern California joined us. We we're lucky enough to enjoy one of only roughly 12 days a year when the main island volcano is not obscured by clouds.

Maps & Cards
Saturday Photos
Sunday Photos
Monday Photos
Tuesday Photos
Wednesday Photos
Thursday Photos
Friday Photos

Arthur's Saturday Photos
Arthur's Sunday Photos
Arthur's Monday Photos
Arthur's Tuesday Photos
Arthur's Wednesday Photos
Arthur's Thursday Photos
Arthur's Friday Photos

