Irvington United Methodist Church

April 21 & 22, 2007: I was in charge of our All Church Service Day on Saturday at Irvington United Methodist Church, where members take on tasks of maintaining and improving the Buildings and Grounds. We had a beautiful day of weather, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to try and take some pictures of the exterior addition. We're just wrapping up two major improvements to the building: new elevator and completely refurbished pipe organ. And it's wonderful to have these significant projects behind us, so we can enjoy the benefits.

On Sunday, I was able to get my father out for the first time, since his return to Indianapolis in January. We were able to tour the church project as part of our outing and the elevator did it's job quite well.

We also drove by the old homestead on Campbell Ave. just to see the changes and relive the memories.


