Lear Speed

September 28, 2021: SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA NATIONALS AT THE 500. Dennis and Kayla came for a short visit. Kayla's cousin, Boyd and his two sons, Luke and Levi, were in Indianapolis to race in the Sports Car Club of America's National event at the Indianapolis 500. I believe I heard there were a total of over 1500 entrants in different classifications and races over the course of the week. We were able to meet the Lear families in one of the garages, where they had two race cars entered in the American Sedan GT2 division. Tuesday was a glorious sunny day of qualifications.

On Wednesday, Dennis and I got to play a round of golf at Pleasant Run which was great fun.


* Qualifying on the track - 20,867 KB*

* Coming in due to a Red Flag - 65,500 KB*

