Sunday Supper Club 2004

OCTOBER 17th, 2004: SUNDAY SUPPER CLUB. Today was a good day. We went over to friends Arthur and Sharon's house where they hosted a very European style Italian dinner. Ron and Julie made the anti-pasto, Sharon made the pasto, Arthur grilled the meat course. Janet made the bread. Sharon also made the salad. And my Janet made the desserts. It took us at least 4 hours to dine, very European. Great wine, food and friends. J & R brought their pictures of their Italian vacation and Arthur shared his pictures of his trip to "The Wave." Subtle energies abounded.


This movie clip was set to "Very fine" instead of "Standard," so it's a very large file for what you get. It you want to see it, right click over the "Movie" and "Save Target" to your own computer and then sit back a wait for it to load. In the meantime, you might want to go cook yourself a gourmet Italian dinner.

* Movie - 15,315 KB*

