Oct 2018 - Winterthur & Mystic: Janet and I drove to the Wilmington, DE area for a very special occasion. Janet's first embroidered casket was part of a special exhibit at Winterthur -- museum of decorative arts.
Oct 17th, Wednesday, Day 1: Visited Gettysburg & then drove to Wilmington, DE
Day 1 - Gettysburg Canon Photos
Day 1 - Gettysburg GoPro Photos
Day 1 - Gettysburg iPhone Photos
Day 1 & 2 - Winterthur GoPro Photos
Oct 18th, Thursday, Day 2: Visited Winterthur with friends and had a nice dinner with embroidery group.
Day 2 - Winterthur Canon Photos
Day 2 - Winterthur GoPro Photos
Day 2 - Winterthur iPhone Photos
Oct 19th, Friday, Day 3: Visited Valley Forge, PA and went to a reception dinner at Winterthur.
Day 3 - Valley Forge Canon Photos
Day 3 - Valley Forge GoPro Photos
Day 3 - Valley Forge iPhone Photos
Day 3 - Winterthur GoPro Photos
Oct 20th, Saturday, Day 4: Visited Longwood Gardens.
Day 4 - Longwood Gardens Canon Photos
Day 4 - Longwood Gardens GoPro Photos
Day 4 - Longwood Gardens iPhone Photos
Garden Railway at Longwood Gardens (5:31 min).
Walks at Longwood Gardens (4:51 min).
Oct 21st, Sunday, Day 5: Drove to Mystic, CT to visit with family.
Oct 22nd, Monday, Day 6: Spent the day in Mystic and attended Claudia's Going-Away to Mexico party.
Day 6 - Mystic Canon Photos
Day 6 - Mystic GoPro Photos
Day 6 - Mystic iPhone Photos
John, working on his father's boat (5:33 min).
John's work on the docks (5:48 min).
Oct 23rd, Tuesday, Day 7: Drove to Deerfield, MA to visit Catherine and Harry.
Day 7 - Deerfield Canon Photos
Day 7 - Deerfield GoPro Photos
Day 7 - Deerfield iPhone Photos
Day 7 - Deerfield MavicPro Photos
Catherine's new house (4:32 min).
Harry's handiwork on creating a great utility shed (3:59 min).