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  1. 2024 Amsterdam - Hamburg Trip

    April 24, 2024: It's been 6 years since Janet and I have gone on a trip of any length and longer than that since we've traveled outside the USA. Two knee replacements, thumb reconstruction, broken wrist, Covid and Breast Cancer will slow a person down. But Janet felt like it …

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  2. Totality Eclipse in Indianapolis

    April 8, 2024: John and Sarah traveled to Indianapolis to see the total solar eclipse and luckily, for once, the weather cooperated. It was the first sunny day we've seen in quite awhile ... before or after. Looking forward to seeng everyone in 2044. The next day, we drove to Bloomington …

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  3. Easter 2024

    March 31, 2024: It was nice to able to host Easter dinner for our family at our house this year. It's been awhile. I'm very thankful that Janet felt up to the task and that she is feeling stronger day-by-day. It was a pitch-in, but she still made the main …

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  4. AES Line clearing along Raymond

    March 30, 2030: We were notified earlier in the month that our electric utility, AES, was planning on a major line clearing, tree cutting, job along our southern property line, Raymond St. And they weren't kidding. I think Wright Tree Service had 3 crews out on Saturday to finish cutting …

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  5. The Powers Family, 1654-1937

    March 27, 2024: This is a digitized copy of the Powers Family, 1654-1937 binder that my mother had purchased and gave to me back in 1984. I made a field trip in 1999 after my mother's passing and I've included some pictures from that outing as well. There is quite …

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  6. Joyce Creel Senior Cooking / Cookbook 1913

    March 15, 2024: My sister, Joyce, had inherited Great Aunt Joyce's Senior college cook book from my mother some time ago. Since my sister's passing in December 2023, her daughter, Mary, inherited it. And she let me borrow it, so that I might digitize and share with the rest of …

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  7. Joyce's Family Ancestry Research

    March 15, 2024: My sister, Joyce, had inherited Great Aunt Joyce's Senior college cook book from my mother some time ago. Since my sister's passing in December 2023, her daughter, Mary, inherited it. And she let me borrow it, so that I might digitize and share with the rest of …

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  8. Thanksgiving in Bloomington 2023

    November 23, 2023: What a beautiful day to travel to Bloomington to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday at Charles and Tessa's house.

    And this year Will and Stephanie along with Ben, 6th grade, and Lilly, 3rd grade, were able to join us, so that made for a very special celebration. They …

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  9. Vincinnes & New Harmony 2023

    August 31, 2023: George Rogers Clark National Historical Park and New Harmony, IN: We took a little two day road trip with good friends, Don and Julie, to visit a few sites in southwest Indiana and southeast Illinois. Weather was perfect, sunny and in the mid seventies. Friday, we drove …

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