1. San Francisco 2001

    TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO: Here are the picture links from our second visit to San Francisco in July 2001. Newer links will always appear in the entries above this point.

    Janet and I were able to spend a week with Charles and Carrie. While they still lived in Foster City …

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  2. Florida Spring Break with Aunt Joyce

    April, 2023: Aunt Joyce had made arrangements to go to Naples, Florida with Jane and Jane's good friend, McKinzie over their high school Senior Year Spring Break. Joyce rented a spiffy red convertible which was a lot of fun.

    I believe they all had a really good time.


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  3. Brandt Rosenstiel 50th Wedding Anniversary

    Summer 1956: These are pictures from old negatives I came across of my Grandfather's and Grandmother's 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary party held at Holcomb Gardens on the Butler campus in Indianapolis. You'll also find a picture from their wedding in 1906. I don't have the exact date of their wedding …

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