SEPTEMBER 26, 2004 - SUNDAY: We took a bike ride from Charles' apartment over to the lake shore and down to south of McCormack's Place. Gorgeous weather. A little over a 20 mi. ride.
read moreChicago Weekend 2004
Florida 2004
FEBRUARY 20 TO 24, 2004: I went to visit Dad and check out his new apartment at Sun City Center. They provide three meals a day and seem to have a good policy of keeping tabs on their residents while still keeping their privacy, so what more could you ask …
read moreChicago and the Dunes 2003
CHICAGO AND THE DUNES - JULY 5TH & 6TH: Got to spend a little time in Chicago this weekend. I had been wanting to visit the new Museum of Science and Industry model train layout and it was really great. Of course, we had to have lunch at Bergoff's and then after …
read moreCroatia-Italy 2003
MAR 13 - MAR 23; CROATIA -ITALY: Janet and I took a trip to Croatia and Italy this month. Delayed by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 we decided this trip would be a good opportunity to not only try and get in touch with some of Janet's relatives, but …
read moreSanta Fe 2002
NOVEMBER 9, 2002: SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. Janet and Virginia decided they just needed to get together for a few days, so of course they decided to do it in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Duh!! ...what could I have been thinking? I'm sure John felt the same way I did …
read moreSan Francisco 2002
TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO - SEPT. 19: Janet and I flew out to San Francisco to visit Charles and Carrie for a few days in September. We actually got there an hour early, which was amazing. It was good to be with them both to see how they're getting along. And …
read moreHawaii 2002
HAWAI'I: Aloha! Janet and I were invited to join Dale and Chris (Tina) for a week in Hawaii on the tropical island of Kauai, the third week in July. Mehalo! -- Dale and Chris. Hawaii is a 5 hour flight from Los Angeles and a 5 hour time change for Indiana …
read moreFlorida 2002
FLORIDA TRIP 2002: Janet and I took a few days off to visit Dad and Kathy in Sun City Center. I must say we had a great time visiting, playing golf and dominos and site seeing. The weather couldn't have been better. If anything, I'd say it was a little …
read moreTurkey Run State Park and Parke County 2001
SUNDAY DRIVE TO TURKEY RUN: Janet and I decided to take a day to see some fall foliage so we drove west to Parke County and Turkey Run State Park. I think it's been at least ten years since we went over there with the kids. That, too, was a …
read moreFamily Posts + San Francisco (Day 6) 2001
JANE'S APARTMENT: Jane got a new place to live up at school and she was pretty excited about it. Janet helped her move it and took a few pictures to share.
AUGUST 18TH VISIT OF AUNT PHIDDY AND UNCLE JEFF: Aunt Phiddy and Uncle Jeff came up from Florida to …
read moreSan Francisco 2001
TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO: Here are the picture links from our second visit to San Francisco in July 2001. Newer links will always appear in the entries above this point.
Janet and I were able to spend a week with Charles and Carrie. While they still lived in Foster City …
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